The Cure, cures.

It is the cure that cures pain, that of the mind and that of the body.
The cure that cures has the ambition to medicate those holes in the soul generated by not having been seen, wanted, by not being able to tell the truth. It is quite difficult for an abused child to know what it feels like to be loved and wanted. The children who arrive at the Pezzettino come from an incomprehensible world, made up of secrets and fears. The treatment allows them to develop a sense of effectiveness and self-esteem, to feel precious and protected, up to the point of rewriting their own internal experience by saying "I can be loved and understood", "I can be with others without fear of being rejected or being hurt ".

the NEWS

sostieni il pezzettino

A gesture can be a Cure

If you want you can help a child of Il Pezzettino to find his place in the world through economic support actions for life activities such as school and school material, sports and entertainment activities and goods that become an added value of precious care for reconstruction. of his integrity and life.

"Man can accomplish amazing things if they make sense to him"
(C.G. Jung)

Donations to the
'Amici del Pezzettino' Association

Your donations are directly aimed for the care of the children, so they can focus on healing, growing and thriving ...

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